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2024 Edition
More than 1.200 samples from 16 countries.
More than 60 expert tasters from 15 countries.
We return in 2026
Home organización nuevo

In the fields, the wind whispers secrets to the shepherds. Legends that merge with the lives of men and women dedicated to the care and breeding of livestock; stories interwoven like threads on an ancestral loom, which give rise to a great story, that of one of the most prized delicacies in the world: cheese.
The production of quality cheese is an art.
In each mouthful, as in the verses of a poem that expands in the mouth, the testimony of the shepherds, the swaying of the seasons, the pastures, the herbs of the fallow land, the grains and shoots of the stubble fields, the magic of the milk and, of course, the infinite knowledge of the master cheesemaker are revealed.
Fresh cheeses, like a breath of nature. Compact and firm, moulded with serenity and affection. Tender, cured, old cheeses... Matured in damp, dark caves, so that the aroma becomes more intense and the flavour even deeper.
All these nuances connect us with the earth and its mysteries.
Thus, in the stillness of the evening, when the sun hides behind the hills, we can savour the essence of life itself: the love of nature and the magic of transformation.

Cincho Awards.
Created in 2000 by the Agricultural Technology Institute of Castilla y León, a public entity attached to the Department of Agriculture, Agriculture and Rural Development of the Junta de Castilla y León. The Cincho Awards were created with the aim of promoting the consumption of quality cheeses and, above all, to reward those producers, industries or artisans who are committed to the rigour and excellence of their products.
Over the years, the Cincho Awards have established themselves as the most important national competition for Spanish cheeses and one of the most prestigious at international level.
The next edition will be held in 2026.

Up to 2nd of September, 2024

Sample reception
Up to 5th of September, 2024
(for FRESH CHEESES only, the deadline is 6th of September)

9th, 10th and 11th of September.
Carrión de los Condes (Palencia).
In the last edition of the awards, held in 2022, 1,375 samples from around twenty countries took part, a record number in the long history of this competition.
Over the years, the Cincho Awards have established themselves as the most important national competition for Spanish cheeses and one of the most prestigious at international leve.